Accueil Avec l'aide du GDR de Physique Quantique Mésoscopique et du GDR de Plasmonique Moléculaire et Spectroscopies Exaltées, nous organisons un atelier sur les modes chiraux en optique et électronique des systèmes bidimensionnels (2D) dans l'idée d'établir un dialogue entre ceux qui travaillent avec des électrons, des photons, des plasmons, des polaritons, des excitons, des paires de Cooper, des atomes froids, phonons, etc. Il y aura trois sessions: 1) optique, 2) électronique et 3) cristaux artificiels. Chaque session débutera par un exposé de revue (mini-cours). Transparents/posters en pdf Trois mini-cours d'introduction (1h30) aux modes chiraux: - en optique: Kostya Bliokh (Riken, Japon/Canberra, Australie): Angular momenta and spin-orbit interactions of light - en électronique: Pascal Simon (Orsay, France): Chiral edge states in topological insulators and superconductors - avec des cristaux artificiels: Alberto Amo (Lille, France): Chiral modes in artificial crystals
Exposés invités (30 minutes): Stéphane Berciaud (Strasbourg, France): Exciton dynamics and valley-contrasting properties in heterostructures based on atomically-thin semiconductors Gwendal Fève (Paris, France): Spin-charge separation in chiral edge channels Nathan Goldman (Bruxelles, Belgique): Probing quantum geometry bu heating: from quantized circular dichroism to topological order Yuri Gorodetski (Ariel, Israël): Spin-locking in chiral plasmonic modes Kobus Kuipers (Delft, Pays-Bas): Nanoscale light twists -surprises, tragedy and applications- Fabrice Mortessagne (Nice, France): Topological photonics with microwaves
Exposés contribués (20 minutes): Everton Arrighi (Grenoble, France): Unveiling the bosonic nature in an ultrashort single-electron pulse Daniel Bloch (Villetaneuse, France): Nearly-forbidden optical Transitions, Nanooptics, opals,... Nicolas Cherroret (Paris, France): Multiple scattering of light in dimension (2+1): spin-Hall effect and non-paraxial diffusion Tristan Cren (Paris, France): Two-dimensional superconductivity in Pb/Co/Si(111) Thierry Grosjean (Besançon, France): Magnetic spin-orbit interaction of light Farhad Khosravi (Edmonton, Canada): Unified spin electrodynamics of Maxwell bosons and Dirac fermions Anu Jagannathan (Orsay, France): Proximity induced superconductivity in a 1D quasicrystal Guy Le Lay (Marseille, France): Exotic forms of low-dimensional epitaxial silicon and Xenes Guillaume Malpuech (Clermont-Ferrand, France): Exciton-Polariton based topological photonics and topological lasers Luis Martin-Moreno (Saragosse, Espagne): Polariton anomalous Hall effect in transition-metal dichalcogenides Gilles Montambaux (Orsay, France): Orbital edge states in a photonic honeycomb lattice Benjamin Roussel (Lyon, France): Taming electronic decoherence in quantum Hall edge channels Tobias Stauber (Madrid, Espagne): On chiral plasmonics in 2D Luiz Tizei (Orsay, France): Phase shaped electron beams to probe excitations with specific symmetries at the nanoscale: symmetry dependent electron energy loss spectroscopy Bart van Tiggelen (Grenoble, France): Momentum of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum in magneto-chiral and magneto-electric media
Posters: Pacôme Armagnat (Grenoble, France): How fast deos a voltage pulse travel through a quantum conductor? Stefano Azzini (Strasbourg, France): Chiral coupling of valley excitons in a transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer with plasmonic resonators Olivier Bleu (Clermont-Ferrand, France): Non-adiabatic anomalous Hall effect for exciton-polaritons Pascal Degiovanni (Lyon, France): Signal processing for electron quantum optics Denis Garoli (Gênes, Italie): New methods for controlled deposition of 2D material flakes on plasmonic nanostructures for hybrid system preparation Thierry Grosjean (Besançon, France): Steering nanoscale optical flows by coupling photon spin to plasmon extrinsic angular momentum Maëlle Kapfer (Saclay, France): A Josephson relation for fractionally charged anyons Sergei Koniakhin (Clermont-Ferrand, France): Analog Kerr Black hole and Penrose effect in a Bose-Einstein Condensate Laurence Pruvost (Orsay, France): Interplay between atoms and optical vortices through a Raman transition Philippe St-Jean (Palaiseau, France): Orbital angular momentum lasing with optically-controlled chirality Matteo Secli' (Trieste, Italie): Numerical characterization of a Harper-Hofstadter topological laser René-Jean Tarento (Orsay, France): Magnetoplasmon of 2D Dirac fermion on a sphere Shaojun Wang (Eindhoven, Pays-Bas): Screened strong coupling of excitons in multilayer WS2 with collective plasmonic resonances |