
With the help of the GDR of Mesoscopic Quantum Physics and the GDR of Molecular Plasmonics and Enhanced Spectroscopies, we are organizing a short workhop on chiral modes in optics and electronics of 2D systems with the aim of establishing a dialog between those working with electrons, photons, polaritons, excitons, plasmons, Cooper pairs, cold atoms, phonons, etc. The workshop will be organized in three sessions: 1) optics, 2) electronics and 3) artificial crystals. Each session will start with an overview talk (mini-lecture).

Slides/posters (pdf)

Three mini-lectures (1h30) on chiral modes in:

- optics : Kostya Bliokh (Riken, Japan/Canberra, Australia): Angular momenta and spin-orbit interactions of light

- electronics: Pascal Simon (Orsay, France): Chiral edge states in topological insulators and superconductors

- artificial crystals: Alberto Amo (Lille, France): Chiral modes in artificial crystals


Invited talks (30 minutes) by:

Stéphane Berciaud (Strasbourg, France):  Exciton dynamics and valley-contrasting properties in heterostructures based on atomically-thin semiconductors

Gwendal Fève (Paris, France): Spin-charge separation in chiral edge channels

Nathan Goldman (Brussels, Belgium): Probing quantum geometry bu heating: from quantized circular dichroism to topological order

Yuri Gorodetski (Ariel, Israel): Spin-locking in chiral plasmonic modes

Kobus Kuipers (Delft, Nederlands): Nanoscale light twists -surprises, tragedy and applications-

Fabrice Mortessagne (Nice, France): Topological photonics with microwaves


Contributed talks (20 minutes) by:

Everton Arrighi (Grenoble, France): Unveiling the bosonic nature in an ultrashort single-electron pulse

Daniel Bloch (Villetaneuse, France): Nearly-forbidden optical Transitions, Nanooptics, opals,...

Nicolas Cherroret (Paris, France): Multiple scattering of light in dimension (2+1): spin-Hall effect and non-paraxial diffusion

Tristan Cren (Paris, France): Two-dimensional superconductivity in Pb/Co/Si(111)

Thierry Grosjean (Besançon, France): Magnetic spin-orbit interaction of light

Farhad Khosravi (Edmonton, Canada): Unified spin electrodynamics of Maxwell bosons and Dirac fermions

Anu Jagannathan (Orsay, France): Proximity induced superconductivity in a 1D quasicrystal

Guy Le Lay (Marseille, France): Exotic forms of low-dimensional epitaxial silicon and Xenes

Guillaume Malpuech (Clermont-Ferrand, France): Exciton-Polariton based topological photonics and topological lasers

Luis Martin-Moreno (Zaragoza, Spain): Polariton anomalous Hall effect in transition-metal dichalcogenides

Gilles Montambaux (Orsay, France): Orbital edge states in a photonic honeycomb lattice

Benjamin Roussel (Lyon, France): Taming electronic decoherence in quantum Hall edge channels

Tobias Stauber (Madrid, Spain): On chiral plasmonics in 2D

Luiz Tizei (Orsay, France): Phase shaped electron beams to probe excitations with specific symmetries at the nanoscale: symmetry dependent electron energy loss spectroscopy

Bart van Tiggelen (Grenoble, France): Momentum of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum in magneto-chiral and magneto-electric media



Pacôme Armagnat (Grenoble, France): How fast deos a voltage pulse travel through a quantum conductor?

Stefano Azzini (Strasbourg, France): Chiral coupling of valley excitons in a transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer with plasmonic resonators

Olivier Bleu (Clermont-Ferrand, France): Non-adiabatic anomalous Hall effect for exciton-polaritons

Pascal Degiovanni (Lyon, France): Signal processing for electron quantum optics

Denis Garoli (Genova, Italy): New methods for controlled deposition of 2D material flakes on plasmonic nanostructures for hybrid system preparation

Thierry Grosjean (Besançon, France): Steering nanoscale optical flows by coupling photon spin to plasmon extrinsic angular momentum

Maëlle Kapfer (Saclay, France): A Josephson relation for fractionally charged anyons

Sergei Koniakhin (Clermont-Ferrand, France): Analog Kerr Black hole and Penrose effect in a Bose-Einstein Condensate

Laurence Pruvost (Orsay, France): Interplay between atoms and optical vortices through a Raman transition

Philippe St-Jean (Palaiseau, France): Orbital angular momentum lasing with optically-controlled chirality

Matteo Secli' (Trieste, Italy): Numerical characterization of a Harper-Hofstadter topological laser

René-Jean Tarento (Orsay, France): Magnetoplasmon of 2D Dirac fermion on a sphere

Shaojun Wang (Eindhoven, Nederlands): Screened strong coupling of excitons in multilayer WS2 with collective plasmonic resonances

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